“Whatever has brought you to this place in your life, you are addicted. Are you an addict? Yes… yes you are.
Is that a life sentence that will define you forever? NO…absolutely not!” - Larry Wedekind
Is that a life sentence that will define you forever? NO…absolutely not!” - Larry Wedekind
* MHF believes the current opioid recovery system is broken - littered with inefficiencies, ineffective methods, and fraud that waste precious time, resources, and opportunities for success in the form of millions of dollars lost and, more importantly, tens of thousands of lives lost needlessly.
* MHF believes the Relapse Rate for opioid addiction is reflective of this failed system because patients are not being attended at their time of greatest need for support: the point at which their body has been detoxed of the addicting drugs, but prior to its natural endorphin production having recommenced and without the necessary transitional support for successful long-term recovery. Thus, that person is completely vulnerable to relapse, overdose, and death.
* MHF believes Opioid Use Disorder [addiction] is a disease that can be cured - or at least placed into permanent remission. It is not a life-long affliction. This is vital to our Care Guidelines as we feel abstinence is the only way through which true sobriety can be achieved. Medication-Assisted Treatment (M.A.T.) as a long-term solution creates a very expensive dependence on clinic-based substitute opioids with a goal of reducing overdose deaths, but in reality, exacerbates the dependence problem. And it has not provided any meaningfully positive impact on the long term overdose death rate.
In essence, on a long-term basis, M.A.T. simply kicks the addiction can down the road replacing one addiction with another while providing another profit source for pharmaceutical companies as well as those Providers who dispense them. Furthermore, M.A.T. drugs are much more difficult to detox and the time requirement for detox is often four times longer than for heroin or opioid pills. It is very difficult to wean addicts off of MAT completely. The withdrawal period is very long and painful.
* MHF believes in working with our clients on a daily basis with three (3) Recovery Support Team members to help them create a meaningful life full of purpose, and engagement. We seek to provide context to the patient’s addiction and previous experiences by encouraging them to become a part of the recovery community to help others as they themselves have been helped. This provides for true healing within themselves and their loved ones as they become part of the solution. When there’s hope in the future, there’s power in the present.
1. Recovery Support Teams
MHF Recovery Care Guidelines are designed to provide those recovering from Opioid Use Disorder with a clear pathway to long-term sobriety by bridging the lack of services from detoxification and residential inpatient or IOP treatment to abstinence-based long term recovery by. We do this by utilizing custom-fit, individualized programs. Our RST’s represent coordinated and integrated case management on a post-detox and rehab basis. This Case Management is what is missing in the SUD and OUD industry and the primary reason why relapse and overdose death rates are so high.
A total of three professional, multi-disciplinary Recovery Support Team members follow the client for 2 years post discharge from rehab services. It is an intensive process of helping our clients restore and reclaim the fullness of their lives and the lives of family and loved ones.
The MHF Recovery Support Team follows the generally accepted Dimensions of Wellness (https://www.grcc.edu/humanresources/wellness/sevendimensionsofwellness) regarding 3 areas of need:
1. Team Leader (Opioid survivor with a minimum of three years sobriety and licensed as an LCDC): Is available 24/7 to the client and handles psycho/social intervention, clinical needs and team oversight). The lead will also ensure that the client has become a productive part of society again and is fulfilling their God inspired purpose in life.
2. Spiritual/Emotional coach:: Goal is to encourage faith based sobriety and spiritual meaning in client’s life.
1. Wellness Specialist: Goal is to stimulate endorphin production on a daily basis, while improving their self-image and develop new daily habits that promote long term sobriety.
While still within the facility’s Inpatient Treatment or IOP, the Team Leader (TL) will begin working with the client and the facilities’ clinicians in developing a customized overall Plan of Action utilizing Tony Robbins’ Rapid Planning Method https://youtu.be/DJNY8jjF7Bs or similar methodology which focuses on outcomes.
2. Utilization of IASIS Technology
The TL will assume responsibility as the patient’s advocate and Sponsor for the next two years and will introduce the patient to the Recovery Support Team specialists and to certain evidence-based procedures, including continued IASIS Technology sessions that will help to mitigate depression, anxiety, and addictive cravings and stimulate natural endorphin production. The client will participate with the RST specialists daily and/or as needed for additional support for the first year of recovery and will undergo IASIS treatments on a regular basis.
Click here to learn more about IASIS Technology
Read more about IASIS Technology by clicking here.
the neurobiology of addiction
Matthew's Hope Foundation solves the Midbrain craving problem, lowers the pleasure threshold quickly, and reignites the Cortex through IASIS Technology and the Recovery Support Teams.